January 31, 2016


Many hours of work are behind me as I close in on the finish line. Of the 17,000 images I've been sorting, some 3,300 dupes and out-takes are gone, leaving the pristine collection at 13,264 images. Of those, 10,065 are family pictures and 2,659 are personal (all the nature, travel and other stuff). These are just the images taken since January of 2003, when I switched to digital.

Next, after I load the remaining 5,000 images or so onto alwpics.com to back them up, I'll start digitizing the images from my film days, going back to around 1991. I have no idea how many there are, but guess around 5,000 or so. Many are slides, so digitizing will be an interesting endeavor, to be sure.

Lightroom is turning out to be a great tool. I like the clean and efficient way it links to my web site, making it easy to manage the folders and images there right from the application. I resisted switching from Aperture for some time but can say now I'm even more glad I did!